The art book for Lottes 60th anniversary chocolate business animation Chocolate Catabra has been released exclusively on the TRIGGER online store.
A must have for Ado fans!
The cover illustration is by Yo Yoshinari, who worked on the character design for this work. Contains a wide variety of intermediate products in anime production, including a set of pre-production design materials, storyboards, original drawings, scene photographs, and illustrations by participating creators.
Lotte Chocolate 60th anniversary CM song Ado song “Chocolate Catabra”
ロッテ チョコレート事業60周年記念アニメーション「ショコラカタブラ」のアートブックがTRIGGERオンラインストアにて独占発売されました
カテゴリー ホビー・楽器・アート > 美術品・アンティーク・コレクション > コレクション 商品の状態 新品、未使用
Chocolat cadabra Archives
吉成 曜が描いたコンセプトアート、デザイン画、絵コンテ、原画はもちろん、場面写真、参加アニメーター描き下ろしイラストなど、本作の制作資料を完全収録
表紙イラストも吉成 曜による新規描き下ろし
ロッテ チョコレート60周年記念CMソング
Ado 新曲「ショコラカタブラ」
The art book for Lottes 60th anniversary chocolate business animation Chocolate Catabra has been released exclusively on the TRIGGER online store.
A must have for Ado fans!
The cover illustration is by Yo Yoshinari, who worked on the character design for this work.
Contains a wide variety of intermediate products in anime production, including a set of pre-production design materials, storyboards, original drawings, scene photographs, and illustrations by participating creators.
Lotte Chocolate 60th anniversary CM song
Ado song “Chocolate Catabra”